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Tableau empowers everyone to see and understand the data. It is business intelligent for an entire organization. We can connect to any data source, be it a spreadsheet, database or bigdata. We can access data warehouses or cloud data as well.

Tableau resources

  • Sites In Tableau-speak, we use site to mean a collection of users, groups, and content (workbooks, data sources) that’s walled off from any other groups and content on the same instance of Tableau Server. Another way to say this is that Tableau Server supports multi-tenancy by allowing server administrators to create sites on the server for multiple sets of users and content. All server content is published, accessed, and managed on a per-site basis. Each site has its own URL and its own set of users (although each server user can be added to multiple sites). Each site’s content (projects, workbooks, and data sources) is completely segregated from content on other sites.
  • Projects act as folder in tableau. A content resource (workbooks and data sources) can live in only project.
  • Workbooks in tableau are a collection of views, metrics and data sources. Guardian supports access at all the levels i.e. workbook, metrics and data sources. Workbooks have options to show or hide tabs. If it is shown, permissions to the resources below are only inherited from the workbook level. If it is hidden, permissions can be given at the view/metric/data source level.
  • Views are a visualization or viz that you create in Tableau. A viz might be a chart, a graph, a map, a plot, or even a text table. Access can be granted at view level only if the parent workbook has tabs option set to hidden.
  • Metrics are new type of content that is fully integrated with Tableau's data and analytics platform through Tableau Server and Tableau Online. Metrics update automatically and display the most recent value. Access can be granted at metric level only if the parent workbook has tabs option set to hidden.
  • Data Sources can be published to Tableau Server when your Tableau users want to share data connections they’ve defined. When a data source is published to the server, other users can connect to it from their own workbooks, as they do other types of data. When the data in the Tableau data source is updated, all workbooks that connect to it pick up the changes. Access can be granted at data source level only if the parent workbook has tabs option set to hidden.
  • Flows are created to schedule tasks to run at a specific time or on a recurring basis. Access can be directly granted at a flow level.

Tableau Users

Tableau allows to group users into groups and manage group level access to the resources. But, Guardian allows direct user level access to any resource.


Guardian requires host, email, password and content url of an administrator user in Tableau.

Example provider config for tableau:

password: password@123
content_url: guardiantestsite

Access Management

In Guardian, user access can be given at the workbook, views, metrics, data sources or flow level.

Config Example

type: tableau
urn: 691acb66-27ef-4b4f-9222-f07052e6ffd0
entity: gojek
landscape: id
password: password@123
content_url: guardiantestsite
allow_active_access_extension_in: 7d
- type: workbook
id: policy_1
version: 1
- id: read
name: Read
- name: Read:Allow
- name: ViewComments:Allow
- name: ViewUnderlyingData:Allow
- name: Filter:Allow
- name: Viewer
type: site_role
- id: write
name: Write
- name: Write:Allow
- name: AddComment:Allow
- name: Creator
type: site_role
- id: admin
name: Admin
- name: ChangeHierarchy:Allow
- name: ChangePermissions:Allow
- name: Delete:Allow
- name: ServerAdministrator
type: site_role
- id: export
name: Export
- name: ExportData:Allow
- name: ExportImage:Allow
- name: ExportXml:Allow
- name: SiteAdministratorExplorer
type: site_role
- id: other
name: Other
- name: ShareView:Allow
- name: WebAuthoring:Allow
- name: ExplorerCanPublish
type: site_role
- type: flow
id: policy_2
version: 1
- id: read
name: Read
- name: Read:Allow
- name: Viewer
type: site_role
- id: write
name: Write
- name: Write:Allow
- name: Creator
type: site_role
- id: admin
name: Admin
- name: ChangeHierarchy:Allow
- name: ChangePermissions:Allow
- name: Delete:Allow
- name: ServerAdministrator
type: site_role
- id: export
name: Export
- name: ExportXml:Allow
- name: SiteAdministratorExplorer
type: site_role
- id: other
name: Other
- name: Execute:Allow
- name: ExplorerCanPublish
type: site_role

Tableau Credentials

hoststring Required. Tableau instance host. Example:
usernameemail Required. Email address of an account that has Administration permission.
passwordstring Required. Account's password.
content_urlstring Required. Site's content url aka slug. Example: In the content url is MarketingTeam

Tableau Resource Type

  • Workbook
  • View
  • Metric
  • Data Source
  • Flow

Tableau Permissions

WorkbookAddComment, ChangeHierarchy, ChangePermissions, Delete, ExportData, ExportImage, ExportXml, Filter, Read (view), ShareView, ViewComments, ViewUnderlyingData, WebAuthoring, and Write.
ViewAddComment, ChangePermissions, Delete, ExportData, ExportImage, ExportXml, Filter, Read (view), ShareView, ViewComments, ViewUnderlyingData, WebAuthoring, and Write.
MetricRead, Write, Delete, ChangeHierarchy, ChangePermissions.
Data SourceChangePermissions, Connect, Delete, ExportXml, Read (view), and Write.
FlowChangeHierarchy, ChangePermissions, Delete, Execute, ExportXml (Download), Read (view), and Write.
Site RolesCreator, Explorer, ExplorerCanPublish, ServerAdministrator, SiteAdministratorExplorer, SiteAdministratorCreator, Unlicensed, Read only, or Viewer.

Table Resource Permission

urnRequired. stringTableau Site Id.
resources: typeRequired. stringMust be one of workbook, view, metric, datasource and flow.
resources: policyRequired. string & stringMust have id as policy name. Must have a version number.
resources: rolesRequired. string ,string & permissionsMust have a role id . Must have a role name. Must have a list of permissions required.
resources: roles: permissionsRequired. string & stringMust have a name in format <permission-name>:<permission-mode> or just <permission-name> in case of site role . Optional: If this is a site role, it should have a type attribute with value always equal to site_role.